Smashing Kickstarter goal with speedrunner challenge.

Joining the Kickstarter fairly late in the process, we were tasked with keeping a steady flow of pledges during the middle of the funding period and ultimately hitting the overall goal.

To achieve this goal, we put together a community building strategy, PR and even a guerilla marketing campaign.


  • PR
  • Community Building
  • Guerilla Marketing
  • Crowdfunding

The Results


To avoid the dreaded mid-funding slump, we put together a speedrunning campaign that encouraged users to play Evergate, stream it and share it with friends. This campaign was titled the #EvergateChallenge. We began with a tweaked version of the Kickstarter demo that timed speedruns and validated them. Players that beat the demo in under certain times earned special Discord titles, badges and certificates and for those that made the top-10, were put on a speedrunner board that was brought to PAX East after the Kickstarter campaign. Lastly, for those that achieved world record times, they would get a free copy of the game. This campaign drastically increased our Discord user count and engagement throughout the Kickstarter campaign.

Near the tail end of the Kickstarter campaign, we put together a guerilla marketing campaign to tie in with Valentines day. We added a dating service for the afterlife to pledge goals and created a fun trailer for the service (the trailer can be viewed above). Ultimately, the guerilla marketing campaign did not yeild the results we were looking for, but we are proud of what was created and how the development team was able to help put everything together over a weekend.

Pledged of $25,000 goal